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424 W Plane St. Bethel, OH 45106 – See Our Reviews Here
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If you are new to Medicare and think it is confusing YOU ARE RIGHT! Don’t worry, you are not alone.
At The Modern Insurance Store, our job is to put Medicare in its simplest terms so you don’t waste time and can get on with life. This website was put together specifically so that you can find answers to your Medicare questions quickly and easily.
We want you to start off with a solid foundation and understanding of Medicare so you know which parts are necessary for you and which aren’t. Once you’re ready to talk with us, we can answer any questions and help get you started.
Medicare is the federal health insurance program for people who are 65 or older, certain younger people with disabilities, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease. There is a lot more to Medicare.
In many cases, you will be automatically enrolled in Medicare Parts A and B effective the month you turn 65. If you do not receive Social Security benefits, then you will need to take a few more steps.
Medicare Part A is the hospital insurance part of Medicare. Generally speaking, Medicare Part A covers expenses incurred if you are hospitalized. In some cases is will also covers post-hospital care.
Medicare Part B is your medical insurance which covers things that happen outside of the hospital. Doctor’s visits, outpatient labs, outpatient surgeries, cancer treatments. It can also cover supplies like wheelchairs and walkers when medically necessary.
Medicare Part C, also known as Medicare Advantage, or “Medicare Health Plans” is a privatized way that Medicare beneficiaries can choose to receive their health benefits. Do you need Part C?
Medicare Part D is simply an optional insurance program for your medication needs. You pay a monthly premium to an insurance carrier for your Part D plan. In return, you use the insurance carrier’s network of pharmacies to purchase your prescription medications. Is Part D right for you?
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