Medigap (Medicare Supplement) Policyholders Can Change Plans YEAR ROUND!
What about the enrollment period that ends on December 7th?
Because individuals that have Medicare Advantage plans and/or Part D prescription plans are tied to a yearly contract with their plan and must make elections by the deadline each year.
This does not apply to Medicare Supplement (Medigap) plans.
As long as there is a benefit to changing plans (i.e. better rates, better coverage, etc) Medigap policyholders can change plans as many times per year as they chose to.
AND Since the benefits are standardized, the ONLY difference between companies with the same letter plan is the price!
For example, Plan F with (Company A) might cost $185/month. Plan F with (Company B) could cost $230/month.
Even though one company is more expensive than the other, there is absolutely NO difference in coverage, doctors choice, etc…
Don’t overpay for your plan!
We’re ready to help. All at no cost to you. Fill out the questions below to get a quote.